Wednesday 25 January 2017

Get Smart Golf Balls To Save Balls And Money At One Fell Swoop!

Playing Golf is fun, and can be even more enjoyable if you are opulent enough –because it is the game of regality, and requires skill, passion as well as money. Don’t get it? Let’s get clear: If you are a Golf lover or a golf player, you must be aware of the fact that on an average –four to five golf balls are required per game, or we may say: four-five balls are lost in every game you play; hence, there is a need to fill your sport bag with at least five balls for one game –and if you play it daily like 7 days per week –30 days a month, you would need 150 golf balls more or less –in a month! And in case if you are good golfer, and require only 3-4 golf balls per game –then too –you can do the math by yourself!

Smart Golf Ball –The Solution

Smart golf ball is based on BLE technology. It is a wondrous ball that is a revolutionary invention in the world of Golf as it can easily be retrieved once lost; this not only reduces the excessive golf search, but also is required in less numbers per game; you would need just a ball or two for a game, and you save your time, your search, no. of golf balls and money –altogether.

Al you need is a smart phone along with a chip-ing app which can connect to the Bluetooth device situated in the middle of every smart golf ball hollow body. It is an easy way to eliminate traumatic, time taking golf search, make the game more fun, score well, perform better, save number of balls and save time!

Summing up

They say Golf is not “the” game for financially weak individuals who don’t have enough fiscal saving for playing Golf every day. Monetary issues also, kick the dreams of becoming a professional golfer –as while practicing you are likely to lose more balls and need more balls every day. Therefore, to eradicate this issue and to make Golf –“a game for all” –‘Golf balls with BLE technology’ –also known as ‘smart golf ball’ was evolved. So, make sure you buy a set of smart golf balls today, make Golf an affordable game, and save number of balls as well as money at one fell swoop. 

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Things You Would Need To Play Golf in A Better Way

Little in this world is as enthusiastic and entertaining as playing Sports; and when the sport is Golf the fun and craze is doubled as it offers everything whether it is fun, fitness, warmth, happiness or fellowship. Also, it adds confidence in one’s personality and makes him healthier as well as happier!

Needless to say, for playing any sport perfectly and enjoy it completely you would need to focus on certain points and espouse certain things which can change your game for the better making it more enjoyable and fun. Below are mentioned the three basic yet essential things needed in order to enjoy the game of Golf implicitly:

Large Golf Course (Play Area)

This is the obvious one. A big play area is the first and foremost requirement of any game to play; and when it comes to Golf it becomes a necessity and not just remain a need. A large golf course is the first need to play golf perfectly and enjoy it implicitly.  Moreover, when you play golf in a big, open place you feel free and hit the ball with full strength. Also, you enjoy every moment while playing because your play time in your play area!

Smart Golf Balls

To overcome all the problems of golf, such as time-taking searching, more penalties, and irritation etc., smarter and more advanced golf balls have been developed with the help of BLE technology. The smart golf balls have a Bluetooth transmitter fitted inside the hollow ball-shell which makes the ball retrievable. It not only make the game more fun by making searching easy, but it also helps you improve golf score in an enthralling way.

Good Sport Kit

When you desire to avail the real fun by playing Golf, you would also need the right kit for it! A good golf kit acts as a great companion who is alongside you at all times to facilitate the supreme fun and felicity to you. Furthermore, when a golfer plays golf with branded equipments or his favorite golf kit he feels more positive as well as enthusiastic; thereby is more likely to perform better in his game and improve golf score!

Eventually, when you have managed all the above mentioned necessities to make the game of golf more fun and enjoyable, you need a good partner who too is well at playing the game and is equally energetic as you are. After all, what’s a game of golf without a good golfer partner!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Did You Know The Innovative Approach Of The Standard Golf Ball?

Golf is a game where people usually use a dialogue “please don’t bother me, I’m keeping my eye on my golf ball” this is how every player shouts, because they have to watch the ball from the shot till it reach the destination, may be that is the reason why lots of people have loosen their interest from the fascinating game of temperament. It is a well known fact that in today’s era technology has driven lots of forgotten things in an improved manner like taking the level of the old thinking to the sky, so how can golf would be untouched? Technology has done a much waited gesture that is to help the golf in finding the ball easily.

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This time, it simply used the Bluetooth which is keeping up the agenda to find the golf ball with in a second, because now the ball can never be lost. The creative personalities of the game have fitted a Bluetooth device into the ball which can be tracked by the use of another Bluetooth device that is the mobile phone or personalized devices. Rather than that technology, other things are also influencing the game and those are as follows: -

Golf Ball Manufacture

The manufacturer of the golf ball are taking the mechanisms process seriously but not everyone in this business is trustable, for example the chip-ing golf ball manufacturers are taking their job seriously that’s why they are constantly trying the innovations to take the enthusiasm level on the top. They have blended the technology and orthodox approach together in the golf ball by fitting the Bluetooth device in it, but without even changing the material of the ball while other manufacturers are going the same way without any special efforts.

Golf ball standard

A standard golf ball is the one which can satisfy its user, it is important for it be in a universal standard size because every player has their own convenience. For other instances, a standard golf ball should be in customary measures which are internationally approved. It should improve golf score and have appropriate measure to make right angled shot as the player thinks.

Golf Ball Identification

a prime golf can be easily identified by counting the features it has. Attribute like material, shine, texture, measurement, color and last but not the least Bluetooth device. The ball which has all these features in a standard way then that ball is a prime choice.

 I hope the readers or the golf lovers will give their attention towards this approach of the ball which is new and innovative. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Want to become a Professional Golfer? –Here’s a Trick!

Playing golf is fun which fills your life with fitness and felicity. It is great for mind and healthy for your body. It makes you more social among your golfer group and helps you becoming smart, sharp as well as attentive. Being a royal game it also adds class to your personality while leading to a full body workout. Golf has a lot to give and this could be the reason behind its popularity and the craze in people of becoming the next Golf God!

Becoming a professional golfer is the dream of many, but there are also some misconceptions and limitations related to the game which restrict them from accomplishing their dreams. One of the common misconceptions about how to be a pro golfer is the idea that without a great looking golf swing you won't make it. But the reality is, you needn’t buy a ‘perfect’ golf swing for you, instead you can help yourself improve and expert with just a slight change in your golf ball!

Smart Golf Ball –The key to Perfection!

Yes, the key to your perfection in golf is a ‘smart golf ball’ and by smart I mean a golf ball with an inbuilt Bluetooth transmitter. The BLE is a revolutionary technology invention which when used in the golf balls help the player in improving his performance while boosting his energy and urge for playing the game. If you have been playing Golf for long, you must be aware of the challenges of the game and the problems that you need to face while practicing. Some of the common problems that are encountered by most of the golfers are:

  • Losing the Ball and searching for it repeatedly
  • More Penalties that are caused due to not being able to find the ball on time and not reaching to the golf post
  • Using multiples balls in the game as the result of being unable to find the lost balls
  • Losing time and energy, which results in agitation, stress and despair

These all problems do not only prevent you from becoming a better golfer, but also narrow the scope of the legendry game of Golf. Keeping all these problems and limitations in mind, the intelligent, innovative and skillful souls evolved a solution in form of ‘BT enabled Golf balls’ which are easily retrievable. These balls will let you play more, find less and score more while evolving you as a better, stronger and a smarter golfer. 

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Play the Game of Temperament with a Smart Ball

Golf is the game of uncertainty, here the phase of the game will turn any time. The losing contender can win or the winning contender can lose, but it is not always depends upon the will of the golfers, but sometimes the atmosphere or the facilities change the scorecard because golf is the game of the temperament, if you lose your mind due to any circumstances you will lose your game.

Generally, the ball we use to play golf is not as smart as it should be, because the temperament can be teased by various issues in which a lost ball is one of a kind, but if a golfer use the smart ball with inbuilt Bluetooth system than a lost ball can be found immediately and the heat of the game can be easily maintained.

 A smart golf ball

If you want to the enjoy the game to the fullest, then using a smart Bluetooth ball would be an ideal choice but if you want to maintain your orthodox approach in the game then you can use the old no so smart ball which can be lost anytime. It’s all about the way you love to play, let’s check out the benefits of a smart golf ball.

Play faster

A smart ball can increase the pace of the game, because it eliminates the wastage of time. It is a matter of fact that how a golf ball can save the time of the game? And the answer is simple, a plain Golf can’t but a ball with an inbuilt Bluetooth device can!

To Score well

It will help you in scoring well because a smart ball will hold the heat of the game without pausing it, which will ultimately help you in maintaining the temperament to score better.

Save the balls

You can save your money by saving the balls, because sometimes the lost ball wastes the time and also the money by going out of the reach of the golfer. It is an easier way to save the balls and play economically.

Touch of the technology

These balls have a touch of technology, which is a revolutionary change in the world of golf, because it has an inbuilt Bluetooth device through which you can track the ball easily. It is a help from the technology to save the time and increase the enthusiasm for the sport.

I hope this blog will help you in update your knowledge about the new technology of the golf world, which is going to be changed by the technology soon.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Surprise your Golfer Daddy with an All New Golf Ball!

So, you and your daddy love to play golf together! No doubt, it’s a great idea, if you play with your family as it not only strengthens your bond, but also gives you a chance to know your relations better and to spend some more time with the people you love. Playing Golf also has many health benefits which make you fitter and sharper if you spare some time for it on a regular account.

It’s absolutely amazing to play with your super dad and build memories as well as health altogether, but also you would accept, that it’s quite tiring for your dad as he has to find the ball. It happens, especially with your father, because he is becoming old and faces trouble while searching for the ball in the bushes.

Problems Faced by Your Daddy While Playing Golf

Not only by your dad, but it’s the problem which is faced by almost every senior golfer on the planet and so, I’ve brought a solution for this, which I’m going to disclose below, but before that, let’s discuss some of the major challenges which your old daddy might be encountering while playing golf:
  • Seniors do not strike the ball with all their strength as they are afraid of losing the ball in the bushes, woods and waters.
  • Your dads have to take out the new ball every time they are failed in finding the lost ball as they don’t want to disappoint you. In addition to this, they have to take more penalties, hence, have to walk/run more.
  • Golf is the game which demands both, the time and the energy and if either of these gets lost, cannot be regenerated which lowers the fun and excitement of the game.

Golf Ball with Bluetooth Transmitter- The Best Gift for Your Golfer Dad!

There are certain organizations which have evolved the totally amazing golf balls with a Bluetooth transmitter inside, which can easily and instantly track the ball with the help of ‘Chiping App’ installed on your smartphone. This app tracks the exact location of the golf ball, shows its situation over your smart phone screen and hence, makes the golf search easy.

These smart golf balls will not let your dad run, in search as now he will easily find it with the chiping app without any hassle. So, gift your dad, a golf ball with Bluetooth transmitter and make his ‘play time’ the ‘happiest time’.

Friday 5 August 2016

Smart Golf Ball- An Intelligent Innovation to Widen Golf’s Scope

Sport is an integral part of children’s life and is a source of recreation. It is an activity which cherishes our childhood and leaves enormous memories in our minds. Playing sports is really important for kids to acquire a fit body and a healthy mind. Sports like Cricket, hockey and golf, engage our entire body and thereby, these sports provide the children with a full body workout.

If we talk about golf, it is considered as a classic game which is enjoyed by the people, young and old and fills them with fun, fitness and felicity. Hence, this game must be included in children’s daily routine so that they can breathe in the open air and get fun and fitness altogether.

Health Benefits of Golf:

ü  Golf is a subtle physical activity, which is best for the children who cannot meet the stamina for playing tiring games like basketball or hockey.
ü  It is a sport which gives your kid a full body workout and the necessary dose of daily exercising, if played regularly.
ü  Playing golf can increase your little one’s concentration and focus manifold times and your child is more determined to keep chasing his goal, no mater what happens.
ü  It improves children’s social behavior and enlarges their social circle. They open up by meeting new companions and building new bonds.

Decreasing Interest in Golf
In previous times, children used to love playing Golf, but with changing time and in the fast paced world the children are losing interest in golf, because they feel its tiring to lose the ball and search for it repeatedly. Also, this process is time consuming, which is quite agitating for the little golfers. These are the reasons which are decreasing golf’s popularity and limiting its scope.

Need to Widen its Scope
Golf is a royal game which needs to be protected and there is a need to widen its scope as it is really beneficial for everyone, irrespective of the age and sex. The only way to get this game back in the race is to introduce something which could come over its limitations and that ‘something’ is the advanced and smart golf balls!

Bluetooth Golf Balls- The Solution
You must be wondering, ‘smart golf balls’? The answer is ‘yes’. There are certain organizations which have evolved the totally amazing golf balls with a Bluetooth transmitter which can easily and instantly be tracked with the help of an application installed on your smartphone. This app is known as ‘Chiping App‘ which tracks the exact location of the golf ball and shows its situation over your cell phone screen, isn’t it amazing?

This golf ball finder app not only tracks the ball and saves the ball from being lost, but also improves your performance and fill you with fun and adventure. In this way your children will love to play golf and feel extremely excited to track the ball every time they think they’ve lost it. Using these intelligent golf balls is a great way to support the game’s future and increase its worldwide popularity.